Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 djoin (Offline Domain Join) utility.

· 496 words · 3 minute read

Offline domain join is a new process that joins computers running Windows® 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 to a domain in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)—without any network connectivity. This process includes a new command-line tool, Djoin.exe, which you can use to complete an offline domain join. Run Djoin.exe to provision the computer account metadata. When you run the provisioning command, the computer account metadata is created in a .txt file that you specify as part of the command. After you run the provisioning command, you can either run Djoin.exe again to request the computer account metadata and insert it into the Windows directory of the destination computer. Following section covers the content of these computer account metadata files.

Here is what we see when we open the output file into an hexadecimal editor. «»

We ignore two first bytes, and the following sequence of bytes is an unicode base64 encoded string. Decoded base64 string is a DATA_BLOB encrypted by NetpEncodeProvisioningBlob / NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob private APIs from netjoin.dll which is new toWindows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2. Both functions calls NdrMesTypeDecode2 / NdrMesTypeEncode2 from RPCRT4.dll to perferm the encryption/decryption process. This dll is pretty interesting because of NetpLogPrintHelper() calls, e.g. the following in NetpDumpBlobToLog() function:

NetpLogPrintHelper("\tlpMachinePassword: %s\n", "omitted from log");

As you can see, sensitive information are removed from debug log (netsetup.log). Decoded blob file contains a structure I called “PROVISION_DATA” which is composed of information about Domain Dns Policy, Domain Controller, miscelleneous information about the machine and so on.

typedef struct _DOMAIN_DNS_POLICY { // sizeof = 0x2C
    TCHAR Name[4]; // 0x000
    TCHAR DnsDomainName[4]; // 0x008
    TCHAR DnsForestName[4]; // 0x010
    GUID DomainGuid; // 0x018
    PSID Sid; // 0x028
typedef struct _DOMAIN_CONTROLLER { // size of = 0x30
    PCHAR DomainControllerName; // 0x000
    PCHAR DomainControllerAddress; // 0x004
    ULONG DomainControllerAddressType; // 0x008
    GUID DomainGuid; // 0x00C
    PCHAR DomainName; // 0x01C
    PCHAR DnsForestName; // 0x020
    ULONG Flags; // 0x024
    PCHAR DcSiteName; // 0x28
    PCHAR ClientSiteName; // 0x2C
typedef struct _DOMAIN_INFORMATION {
    // Global Information
    LPVOID lpDomainName; // 0x008
    LPVOID lpMachineName; // 0x00C
    LPVOID lpMachinePassword; // 0x010
    // Domain Policy
    DOMAIN_DNS_POLICY DomainPolicy; // 0x014
    // Domain Controller
    DOMAIN_CONTROLLER DomainController; // 0x048
    ULONG Options; // 0x078
typedef struct _PROVISION_DATA {
    // ODJ Blob
    ULONG Version; // 0x000
    ULONG Size; // 0x004
    PDOMAIN_INFORMATION DomainInformation;

I wrote a tool called “dinfo” for “Domain Information” to read these files, this tool works with user rights only under Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 because of dependency to netjoin.dll Now it’s time to introduce dinfo.exe! Here is a screenshot of the tool in action.


PS1: Encoded data blob can also be retrived in the registry at the following magic key : Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\UnattendSettings\Microsoft-Windows-UnattendedJoin\Identification. PS2: Thomas aime les nouilles.